Wednesday, February 11, 2009


When Patrick said I needed to write more and "Journal" I wasn't the happiest person. But I feel like if I can just take 30 min out of the day twice a week or so that I will look back and appreciate that i took the time to reflect on life/ studio. This week was a little harder on me then normal for some reason i felt like i was in a funk. I just couldn't handle all of the stuff that was due and needed to be done for the week. I guess the face that we are graduating soon and have to go out into the real world is starting to hit me and i just feel like i have so much to get together before i can go anywhere. Including: studio, blogs, study abroad, work, internship, etc... On top of the normal stuff that needs to get done I have no time to do laundry and clean my apt. Which makes me feel bad because my roomie has to pick up my pieces of the mess. 
On a brighter note I will be going to IKEA next weekend and getting some stuff for the apt. which I'm truly pumped about and so is the dad unit. So the trip should make for good fun. The roomie is coming as well so well see how much work we get and that will help me figure out what time i can go to Charlotte to see the family. Well that was just some thoughts I'm sure i'll write more later...

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